Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sean and Michael's Fault

So Sean and Mike Nac are learning some good ol' Irish tunes in the hopes of playing the pour house next St. Patricks Day. They started with some lovely songs about the IRA. Lucky for Afton she gets to hear Sean practice......

Friday, March 15, 2013

Working Out

Sean has been doing push ups and sit ups at home and Afton has been acting as personal trainer counting out reps and yelling "more" and "faster".

Today she decided to do a few reps herself.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's Fun to Run

We took advantage of the nice weather spending some time outside while we could. This girl has been cooped up too long!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Freight Train

Here is Afton's version of the Elizabeth Cotton classic, Freight Train.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Our friend Harper visited us for a day. Afton taught her to feed a fish, throw stuff all over the floor and she took her to story time to meet Emma.

Afton is taking after her Cousin Finn with her knowledge of Dinosaurs. I doubt she will ever compare to the genius of Finn, but she is trying.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Afton has herself quite a cold. She was sad to miss out on a sleepover at Grandma and Paps, but on the bright side, she has been getting all the tv and popsicles she wants.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Oh My

Afton got to hang out with Pap today while I went on an interview. She was so excited that she refused to nap. Pap also walked all the way down to the park and back with her, so the girl was TIRED. As she was eating dinner I was loading the dishwasher. As I turned to look at her I saw in slow motion her falling asleep into her dinner. She very gracefully fell out of her chair knocking over the whole table including her dinner on her way. (Steve was quite pleased by this)
I am sad I have no video evidence of this event, I just felt the need to share.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'll get you my pretty!

Afton enjoys acting like a witch these days, including cackling. Like mother like daughter.

Afton the Builder

Afton saw an episode of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood that consisted of Daniel building a castle with his friend Price Wednesday. The Prince needs to stop and go potty while playing. This has become Afton's favorite game. For the last 2 days anytime we are playing she breaks into song "If you have to go potty STOP and go right away. She then insists that she needs to use her potty, so we undress and take off her diaper. She sits on the potty for approx. 2 seconds, yells all done and then demands to wash her hands. Being at the Science Center did not stop this game from happening. Luckily she was unable to get her pants off on her own.

And a little teeth brushing before we left.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

like a weed

We leant our infant car seat to some friends last weekend. Afton wanted to give it one more try. I can not believe she was using this less than a year ago!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Story Time!

We love Story Time at the Library on Thursdays! We have a pretty great group of folks showing up each week and we have even made some playdates with some of the ladies we met there. 

This is Afton hanging on one of the awesome giant bean bags, waiting for Miss Emma.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Cherry Pies

Afton loves "helping" me in the kitchen. We made some cherry pies the other day, as you can see by Afton's face, her idea of helping consists mostly of tasting.

workin it in her own kitchen

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Downton Stevey

 Afton decided steve should wear pearls today. Here he is doing his best Maggie Smith impression.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Putting out Fires

Today is the day! We are done with pacifiers in this house.....I Hope.

We went to target this morning to trade our fires for a special new toy. Afton picked a My Little Pony baby (that just so happens to have it's own pacifier). She then picked a different baby to leave her fires with. We said goodbye to the fires and had a great morning playing with our new little pony.

Then naptime came....and went. That girl screamed at me like never before. I can only imagine the scenes of abuse our neighbors are picturing. "MOOOOOOMMMM, I NEED THEM" "AHHH GET THEM BACK"

We gave up on the nap and came down to play and snack. After a bit I let her watch a show and BAM, she was out in 10 minutes. Unfortunately that was at 4:30. I am not looking forward to tonight. (Lucky for me I picked a night Sean will not be here to keep me sane.)

**update** she is finally sleeping at 10:15pm.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

LIght Reading

I caught a few pictures of Afton doing some light reading.

In case you are wondering, Sean got this book from an old co-worker.

Reading the Odyssey with Dad.
She needed to look up the words she didn't know.

She insisted on reading the book before seeing the movie.

"smiling" in front of her clubhouse flower garden.

New Haircut~

Afton got her very first haircut today.  We have been building up to this day for about a week and went from shrieks of terror to acceptance. Upon walking into "Little Snips" she immediately said "Nope, I don't want them to cut my hair!!" She changed her mind when she saw the car she got to sit in and found out she would get a sucker after.

She took it very seriously

New Year

One of my new year's resolutions this year is to update this blog and keep it updated. While it may take me some time to get caught up to this point, I hope do eventually add some posts from the past year but I figured it is best to just start fresh!

So here is what we have been up to since my new camera arrived on Friday...

Two of Afton's favorite things- the Zoo and Cathy! We went with the intention of seeing the penguin parade but apparently they can not let the penguins walk around in 65 degree heat. We enjoyed ourselves anyway and were lucky to be joined by the Nacs.

looking for that baby Rhino

This giraffe was about to charge

enjoying carrots with Zombie Girl on the way home.