Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Afton finally rolled over for real today. I will admit the first time was a fluke but this time was absolutley real! It took her some time, but she eventually got it. I will only post the success video but I also have about 2 hours of almost rolling.....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I play!

Afton is finding her Bumbo to be a fun place to play. She was not into it at first but once she realized it enabled her to play with new things, she turned around on it.

Some Bunny Loves Me

Our little creep is taking after her cousins and already getting some bunny action.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Afton is already making friends all over town. She had a great visit with Macy Jane, and by great visit I mean they may or may not have looked at each other once....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

3 months and counting...

Miss Afton is already 3 months old! She is getting huge. It seems like she is adding another roll to her legs each day. She is progressing perfectly and hitting all her milestones. We don't go to the doctor until next month but according to Pap's scale she is about 12 lbs.

This month's achievements- Sitting in her Bumbo, Smiling like a maniac, squealing in delight, laughing, sleeping through the night and beyond...(has as I typed that she woke up), blows bubbles, knows her mom, stands up on our laps and grabs her toys.
Her Favorite things- Mom, her butterfly, Dad's guitar, watching people eat, being naked.

Friday, January 7, 2011

soo big

Afton is a champion. She has been such a consistent good sleeper lately and last night set a new record of 10.5 hours!!! Hopefully She can give Uncle Steve some tips!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm a big kid now

Miss Afton has graduated to the Bumbo. She insists on sitting up all the time now, just to show off how strong her neck is.

A December to Remember

Things were pretty crazy around here the last few weeks of the year so poor Afton's blog has suffered. Now that Sean's infected abscess is healed and Steve's bladder stones are gone it is time to get back to the updates. Here are some favorite shots from the last couple of weeks.
Happy with Grandma

Christmas Scout

Grandma & Pap

So Comfortable

Idiot Family

cookie monster cousin Alice

my first laptop

Uncle Lou in his tutu

all tuckered out

Lucy is such a fun cousin

animation parade

first dinner party