Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm a Girl!!!

Afton finally let me put some pig tails in her hair instantly transforming her from Sean look a like into a little girl!  She sported them on a visit to Grandma and Paps and scored herself 2 cookies for her cooperation.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Today was Kid-A-Palooza!! It sounds way more exciting than it actually was. Afton was a bit too young to enjoy most of the attractions but she did enjoy the food samples very much. 

Merry-Go-Round not so Merry

You seriously want me to kiss this frog?

Pretty Sure Lucy would have loved the Princess Pavilion

Balloons are always a big hit

Friday, February 24, 2012

Chalk it up...

After seeing how much Afton loved the chalkboard at the Children's Museum I decided to make her a smaller version at home. I took an old cheap ikea table and painted the top with chalkboard paint and the legs with a bright orange (at Sean's request).

Afton seems to like it. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Daddy Day!

Afton and Sean going solo to the Science Center this morning. The plan was for me to stay home and clean all the carpets in the house but the store did not have any carpet cleaning machines in stock this morning, I guess I will have to catch up on some tv watching then.....

As you can see below, Sean got her dressed.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Girl and Her Dog

Afton must have been taken with the Valentine spirit last week. She is in love with Steve in a major way. Steve on the other hand is looking for some space.

Don't let the Pigeon Do Anything!

Afton is very into "Don't let the Pigeon Ride the Bus".  I am pretty sure we read it at least 6 times a day. We visited B&N for story time on Saturday and one Sean's coworkers insisted on buying Afton her very own Pigeon. He is very loved.

Don't let the pigeon suck your blood

This is her smiling for the camera

Monday, February 13, 2012


Afton has learned Saoirse's name!
She loves to say it. We show her pictures and she begins saying Saoirse over and over. Please keep in mind that the girl has no idea who "mom" is.  I tried to catch it on camera but she clams up every time I pull it out. I decided to get her when she was distracted by food. Here is the best record I could manage.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another Day another Museum

We ventured back to the Children's Museum today. Afton has really started to focus and fully immerse herself in a single activity for a long time. It is a good thing we have a membership - today she walked up and down a hill for 35 minutes.
She is saying "step, step, step" which is what she says now when she needs to pay attention to where she is walking.

Her attention moved on to the chalkboard water paint station where her true artistic side came out. We spent quite a bit of time here so there are several pictures.

She eventually moved on to some other activities.
She played in the seed with some twins who had a weird old dad.

light boxes.

she saddled up on the giant slug.

and finally read a giant book with Dad in a bird house.

 It was a very successful visit. Now we just need to decide what to do tomorrow......

Monday, February 6, 2012

Science Center

Afton had been making her way around the Pittsburgh museum circuit in the 3 weeks. So far she has logged 3 visits to the Children's Museum, 2 visits to the Science Center and one visit to the Natural History Museum. She will be hitting up the Warhol on Wednesday. Below are some pics from her visit to the Science Center today. They have a program called Munchkin Mondays with activities targeted at kids under 6. We enjoyed story time and a cool program about what animals eat. What Afton enjoyed most was the water table. She managed to dump an entire bucket of water on herself. She also ran away from me when I tried to change her clothes....see below.


Afton's new favorite thing in the world is her balloon. She has been pointing and "ohh"ing balloons at the grocery store for a few weeks so Sean blew up one for her yesterday. It provided hours of fun, literally hours!