Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another Day another Museum

We ventured back to the Children's Museum today. Afton has really started to focus and fully immerse herself in a single activity for a long time. It is a good thing we have a membership - today she walked up and down a hill for 35 minutes.
She is saying "step, step, step" which is what she says now when she needs to pay attention to where she is walking.

Her attention moved on to the chalkboard water paint station where her true artistic side came out. We spent quite a bit of time here so there are several pictures.

She eventually moved on to some other activities.
She played in the seed with some twins who had a weird old dad.

light boxes.

she saddled up on the giant slug.

and finally read a giant book with Dad in a bird house.

 It was a very successful visit. Now we just need to decide what to do tomorrow......


  1. Mac walked in and out of a fake house at the Blue Jackets game for 30 minutes. If only we lived closer, we could find some nice steps or a ramp, and Mac and Afton would be content forever while we drank or ate or napped forever.
