Thursday, December 16, 2010


Poor Afton got some shots today. The nurses were all talking about how happy she was, then they stuck her with needles.... She was pretty upset but recovered quickly and took quite a nap. Tonight she is still feeling a little sad but we think after a good nights sleep she will be back to her happy little self!

Dr. Voight said she is doing great. Check out her stats.

weight- 10lb. 5 oz (35th percentile)
length- 24 1/2 inches (98th percentile!!)
head- 39cm (55th percentile, it has to be a little bigger to hold her huge brain!)

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable!! I think I cried the first time Finn got shots. It's so sad.
    Randomly, my pediatrician's name is Dr. Voigt (no h but probably same pronunciation. AND she is from the Burgh.
