Thursday, March 24, 2011

What a week...

We have some updating to do here. A lot has happened since our last post including some sickness, some fraud and some falling down the steps....all involving Jenny.

Afton on the other hand has been having a fabulous time.

She visited Fremont

Ate her first Rice cereal

Realized rice cereal did not agree with her stomach

Then she was off to Detroit to hang with her Cousins

She had a great time.
Then we went swimming with Lucy and Uncle Lou!

And then we left her with Grandma and Grandpa while we went to a concert.

 Uncle Lou made us pizza when we got home.

 A long weekend of fun ending with cuddles.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011


Everywhere we go these days people are commenting on how cute our little boy is.
Afton Says, " Talk to the hand"

Then she gives them this face.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Nap Strike!

Afton is standing in solidarity with public sector employees and going on a strike of her own. She is now in her 24th hour without a nap. I am hoping this is a teething issue and not a demand for collecting bargaining rights for her and Steve. 

Just when I think she is about to nap....she looks at me and smiles as if to say..."gotcha!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crazy Hands!

She done lost her mind.

Magic Sleep Suit

Afton has been getting pretty mad at her swaddle the last few weeks but would not go to sleep without it. So we would swaddle her and then have to go in and help her fall back to sleep a few times. No one was happy with the situation.
Enter- Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit!! She is not being swaddled anymore and sleeping much better because of it. The downside is that it makes her look like a damn fool.