Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fresh Moves

Afton has decided to try out some new moves. She has been doing this all day.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Patchin

We continued Afton's birthday celebration with a trip to Janosky's Pumpkin Patch with Aaron Varga for some photos. They turned out great! Afton was pretty tired having slept on about an hour or so the night before (thanks to the cake), but she worked it out for some photos.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I am a basket full of cliches this week as our little Afton turns 1.
"I can not believe how fast that year went"
"She is growing up so fast"
"Pass the Gin Punch"

We threw Afton a very special Jazz themed birthday party due to her unusual love of all things Louis Armstrong. We enjoyed red velvet cup cakes while Afton dined on a beet cake. The food was all New Orleans themed and the crawfish beignets were the surprise hit of the day. Even though she bailed on her naps for the day, we managed to have a great time!

New This Month-ALMOST walking, taking on the phone, playing by herself 
Words- Steve (stttvvvv), Mama, Dada and NO! (she only says no to steve)
Teeth-Still 2
Hair- fluffy
Favorite things-high fives, Steve, books, brushing her teeth, her crib aquarium
Favorite Song of the Month-Still,  Mac the Knife - she always dances along

Favorite Car Song- Louis Armstrong Essentials Collection.
Favorite Food- Tofu, Cheese, Strawberries and bananas
Favorite Toy- books, cords, phones, tupperware
Favorite Book- The Bear Snores On, Brown Bear, Is Your Mama a Llama 

Favorite Words- NO!
What Makes her Laugh- Counting to 3, being tickled, blocking her path

Clown beads, trumpets and Grandpa= good times!
Big Hit


"exactly WHY do I have to wear this?"

Steve waiting for scraps


All Done

Chillin with Grandmas

still going strong after a wardrobe change
being all lady like
It has been quite a year. She is changing everyday and we are so lucky to have such an awesome daughter! We love you Afton!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hard at Work or Hardly Working

Afton loves to act like Mom and hammer away on her laptop....she also likes to act like it is a chair.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sour Puss

Afton was a big fan of the lemon I gave her the other day. She screamed her face off until I gave it to her and then refused to give it back. Though the pics look like she was turned off by it, in reality she was barely phased by it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

11 Months Old...and counting

New This Month- Running up the stairs, standing on her own, climbing, feeding herself a bottle...finally!
Words- Steve (stttvvvv), Mama, Dada and NO! (she only says no to steve)
Teeth-Still 2
Hair- almost ready for a bow!
Favorite things-empty water/soda bottles, Steve, playing "avalanche", books and her new sippy cups, brushing her teeth
Favorite Song of the Month- Mac the Knife (which is highly inappropriate really)

Favorite Car Song- Louis Armstrong Essentials Collection.
Favorite Food- Tofu, Cheese, Pasta, Broccoli
Favorite Toy- books, anything she should not have, her letter abacus
Favorite Book- Tubby Time, Brown Bear

Favorite Words- Dada, Sttttt
What Makes her Laugh- Counting to 3, being tickled, falling down (usually)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Standing on my own 2 feet!

Man this girl is changing every minute around here! Today she stood long enough for me to get a picture, granted she was not happy about it.