Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Miss Afton was busy this thanksgiving with a trip to Fremont to meet all kinds of people followed by an active Thanksgiving back home meeting even more family. She enjoyed every minute of it and slept 7 1/ 2 hours on Sunday!!! (Gina, that beats your 7 hour Tuesday miracle)
Sweet Alice excited to meet her cousin
Aunt Ashley and Uncle Matt

4 Generations of Gabel (rogers) women

Grandma and her babes

Aunt Gina ( I missed a pic of Uncle Lou)

Seamus and Finn checking things out

Smiling at Grandpa

kissing cousins

Aunt Meghan

Zerberts, kisses or smells- not sure

The baby whisperer

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What kind of city is this!!

When you buy a house in the city you do not expect this outside your window. Unfortunately we did not get the camera in time to catch this creature munching on what is left of my herb garden but we did manage to get a shot in the lot next door.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

rollin rollin rollin...

Miss Action Afton rolled over today!!! She was on her tummy and though she may have already been positioned to her advantage she ended up on her back. It was very exciting. 

Here are some other shots from playtime.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I can't believe it has been a whole month since little Miss Afton joined our family. She has accomplished a lot this month.
Weight 8lbs. 5oz
achievements: is successfully eating, lifts her head up when she is on her belly, makes eye contact with us, sleeps up to 4 hours at night, takes a bottle and most important- she smiles!!
favorite things: her swing, her ergo carrier, boobs, Sean's guitar serenades. 

showing off her birthmark
Steve checking her out
hanging out.

sound asleep after her walk in the ergo

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fatty Fatty 2 x 4

Afton made a visit to the doctor today and is now up to 8lbs. 5 oz!! We are all very proud of her chub.

Here is a picture of her looking especially chubby
and an action shot of her puking up after over eating...

Cousin Saoirse comes to visit

Meghan and Saoirse come to Pittsburgh to meet little miss Afton.

a girl after my heart

Afton loves her Grandma

Aunt Meghan

give me my baby!

terrified Afton

So much love.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Naked Baby

First Visit to Barnes and Noble

Afton made a trip to Barnes and Noble this morning to meet all the ladies Sean works with. It was as if a siren went off announcing our arrival and all the older women came running to ohh and ahh. A random old lady  came up to us and said the baby was so beautiful and then burst into tears. It was an odd moment for everyone.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Stink Bug Gets a Bath

Now that her cord is all gone we tried out the tub...it did not go so well. We may have to go back to sponge baths for a bit.

Grandma Comes to Visit

Grandma Gabel came for a visit and to help us out while we both went back to work. She and Afton became fast friends. She even took Afton out for Ice Cream!